Shoulder Pain

Eastside Family Health Center
Internal Medicine & Sports Medicine located in Kirkland, WA
Musculoskeletal problems like shoulder pain hurt and significantly interfere with daily life. It is one of the bodily pains that people report experiencing the most. By providing thorough pain management treatments, Frank Marinkovich, MD, and his expert staff at Eastside Family Health Center in Kirkland, Washington, can assist you in managing your pain.
The shoulder is vulnerable to pain and damage due to its wide range of motion. While most shoulder issues are only temporary, the pain can occasionally signify a more serious problem. Here is a checklist of potential issues and if they warrant worry.
Shoulder Pain Q&A
Uncomfortable sensations in your shoulder joint that range in intensity from mild to severe are known as shoulder pain. This pain will soon severely limit your ability to move freely, which can also radiate to your neck, biceps, or upper back.
What are the various causes of shoulder pain?
1. Pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint are symptoms of a frozen shoulder.
2. Some of the rotator cuff injuries include:
a.) Bursitis
b.) Tendinitis
c.) Rotator cuff tear
3. The leading causes of rotator cuff tears include:
a.) Injury
b.) Degeneration (with age)
c..) Overuse of the rotator cuff
4. Other Conditions:
a.) Cervical radiculopathy (which occurs due to irritation or damage to the nerve)
What are the symptoms of shoulder pain?
- Pain in shoulder
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Radiating pain in arm and shoulder
- Stiffness
- Pain with mobility
How can shoulder pain be diagnosed?
Since symptoms of many illnesses produce similar indicators, it can be challenging to pinpoint the precise source of shoulder pain.
For further examination, several imaging tests are available, including:
- Blood work to rule out the inflammatory markers
- Using ultrasound to pinpoint the source of the discomfort by evaluating each tendon from several angles.
- Using kinetisense to measure the shoulder joint's 45–60 degree range of motion.
- CT scan and MRI to generate better images displaying the complete anatomy of the shoulder
What are the services provided by EFHC?
- Injections such as PRP, prolotherapy, and 3 & 2 injections to the affected area.
- Peptide therapy to support healing and reduce the inflammation
- Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is used to treat tendonitis and includes gentle techniques to balance motion in the skull as well as soft-tissue stretching (fascial release), localized isometric contraction-relaxation (muscle energy), and positional or facilitative relaxation (counter strain and balanced ligamentous tension) (cranial osteopathy)
- IV infusion therapies offer a combination of vitamins, minerals, nutrition, etc.
- Physical therapy focuses on stretching and strengthening the shoulder to help recover and improve the range of motion.